WhatsApp Messenger is backed by social media giant Facebook. Currently, WhatsApp has been rolling out newly updated versions for making their free messaging service better. WhatsApp latest beta update for Android brings the most awaited feature that enables user to make video calls. Here are a few things to notice.
WhatsApp video calls
A few months back, it was rumored that WhatsApp team has been trying to develop the video calling feature for this Messenger. Video calls on WhatsApp was among the best feature for this app. Plus all of this are completely Free worldwide.
WhatsApp has more than 1 billion active users, and has been a great messaging apps for Android that has almost everything for the communication over the internet. Says, it’s voice call, send and receive IMs, support for animated GIFs, and now, WhatsApp video calls. Such a compilation of good features in such a great application.
WhatsApp video calling on Android
Earlier this week, many Android news coverage have already reported the WhatsApp newly updated beta version that has a significant feature of video calling.
Android Police has seen the WhatsApp video calls on Android started popping –up for some users in the beta testing program of WhatsApp Messnger.
As for the WhatsApp video calling feature for Windows Phone and iOS, things are pretty much the same. Some users of the app started to have the taste of video calls on their WhatsApp earlier this month.
How to download and install WhatsApp beta version
Notice that WhatsApp video calling feature is now available in the WhatsApp beta updated version. Therefore, thing that you need to do now is either waiting for the stable version of WhatsApp with the video calls coming a little later, or joining the WhatsApp beta testing program.
To become a beta tester, just head over the WhatsApp official website then choose to download and install the WhatsApp Messenger beta from Google Play Store.
You will be able to make both voice and video calls on WhatsApp for Android now. Even though WhatsApp has official advertised for the feature, many users tend to have enjoyed time with WhatsApp video calls already.
Notice on WhatsApp Messenger video calls
To enjoy the WhatsApp video calling feature, one first requirement is your chat partner also have to get the same WhatsApp beta updated version. If not then you won’t be able to make a video call.
So, once you’ve got the WhatsApp updated version with video calling feature, don’t forget to tell your friends that she/he should update WhatsApp Messenger as well.