Simple way to remove virus from external device is to format memory card or pen drive with SDformatter. SDformatter is a free memory card format software and it also formats pen drive.
By using Windows OS, you can format external device but Windows does not format completely.That is the reason why even after formatting external device with windows, some kind of viruses like shortcut virus could not be removed from device. Every one might have faced this problem. Because, once virus entered into pen drive or memory card, it is almost impossible to remove virus from them.
This article gives the easy solution for this problem. It is very easy to format memory card and pendrive by using SDformatter. I am sure that, after formatting your device with SDformatter virus will be removed completely from flash drive.
Many softwares are there to format memory card or pendrive. But it is very easy to use SDformatter, that’s why I prefer SDformatter. You can download full version SDformatter software from it’s official website.
1.How to Format memory card or Pen drive with SDformatter
1.Download SDformatter and install.
2.Connect your external device(memory card or pen drive) to the computer.
3.Open SDformatter.
4.Device name must be shown in the rectangular box, which is near to “Drive”(In the above screen shot it is shown as “H”).Size and Volume label must be shown, other wise click on down arrow mark, which is in the rectangular box near to “Drive” and select device.
5.Click on “Options”.
6.”Option setting” window will be opened.
7.Click on down arrow mark which is in the rectangular box near to “FORMAT TYPE” and select “FULL(Erase)”.
8.Click on OK.
9.Click on format.
Now verify your device properties. Your device’s free space must be equal to the full space. In this way we can format memory card as well as pendrive by using SDformatter.
If this method did not work for you, you need to follow next method.
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2.Use safe mode
Virus will not run in safe mode. So run computer in safe mode and format your memory card or pen drive using system format option or using SDFormatter.
- Must Read Topics: How to enter in to safe mode in Windows OS
- How to get out of safe mode in Windows OS
If above two methods did not work for you, follow below method.
3.Use Internet security
Download any internet security product trial version. Scan your devices completely and remove virus. Now you can format your external device.
I can recommend you to use Bullguard Internet Security(60% discounted link). Because it is less priced and it gives you PC tuneup utilities as part of its internet security. So you can improve your PC performance with Bullguard. It has 60 days free trial period. You may also read my review about Bullguard Internet security.
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